Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Polluted Politics in India

23 March 1931 India lost three of his real sons. Bhagat SinghSukhdev & Rajguru were just 23 years old when they were hanged in Lahore jail. They gave up their lives for their dream of a free,democratic & secular India.

And yet, today Indian society is ravaged by the poison of fundamentalism, communal hatred, injustice, corruption. Still we are being ruled by our corrupted politicians. We don't have courage to rage our voice against this corrupted law system in India. If anyone from us is trying to change this dirty system, then he get forcefully stopped by our rulers. But still our people think that our country is the best & our rulers are great. We are choosing those rulers again & again to get exploitation more.

Before Indian independence few of our leaders were playing a preplanned politics to rule India after independence. At that time we were thinking that they are like our God and accepted all their thinking's. Those who aren't greedy for position and power sacrificed their life to get freedom. But our leaders took benefits of our faith and started dirty politics from that time. We reached our goal and got independence. But we never expected to see our country on this stage, which is worst than British empire.  

Corruption in India is a major issue and adversely affects its economy.In 2012 India has ranked 94th out of 176 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, tied with Benin, Colombia, Djibouti, Greece, Moldova, Mongolia, and Senegal. A 2005 study conducted by Transparency International in India found that more than 62% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully. In its 2008 study, Transparency International reports about 40% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or using a contact to get a job done in public office. Most of the largest sources of corruption in India are entitlement programs and social spending schemes enacted by the Indian government. 

Our leaders has plundered crores and crores money from us. By Swiss Bankers Association and the Government of Switzerland announced that total amount held in all Swiss banks by citizens of India is about US$2 billion(Rs108200000000.00). In February 2012, the director of the Central Bureau of Investigation said that Indians have $500 billion(Rs27050000000000.00) of illegal funds in foreign tax havens, more than any other country. Where per capita income of a Indian is $1(Rs54.10 in 8/5/13) a day according to a World Bank paper Development Policy Review. According to World Bank international poverty line methodology, India's poverty is 33%(in 2010) of its total population. In rural India, about 34 percent of the population lives on less than $1 a day; while in urban India, 29 percent of the population lived below that absolute poverty line in 2010, according to the World Bank report.

Up to Indian general election(2009), here 364 political parties. Today politics is the best way to make money with power and position as well. There are very few members from those political parties are thinking for the progress of this country. Motto of every parities is to plunder public development money as much they can. Many political parties are involved in caste, religion or language based politics, which effects India's growth and progress. The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. For this reason our leaders do issue on the base of those factors.

All we know about our problem, but still we are silent. Start trying to make changes in our system. Unless the day may come when India will be a failure country in the world.

Its time to think about it.....!

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